Summer P-EBT

If you had one or more children enrolled in Worcester Public Schools for the 2022-23 school year, you are eligible for Summer P-EBT benefits. You can learn more about Summer P-EBT at

DTA will also be providing Summer P-EBT for families who have children 0-5 years old AND receive SNAP. You’ll find the details at

You’ll find answers to frequently asked questions at


How Do I Get Summer P-EBT?

In most cases, you don’t have to do anything to receive the Summer P-EBT. If you received P-EBT in the past, the benefit amount will be added to the card you used for P-EBT during the school closures. That may be your household EBT card, if you were receiving SNAP at the time, or a separate card that was sent to you specifically for the P-EBT. If you no longer have your P-EBT card, you can request a new one through DTA-Connect

When will I receive Summer P-EBT benefits?

Families who are eligible for Summer P-EBT will receive a payment of $120 per K-12 child on July 25.

In addition, DTA will be making retroactive P-EBT payments for the 2022-23 school years to students with COVID-related absences during the year. The amount of those benefits will depend on the number of absences. Those payments will be made starting June 25. Learn more about retroactive P-EBT at

DTA will also be making retroactive P-EBT payments to families with children 0-5 years old who were enrolled in SNAP. Those payments will go out on August 25. Learn more about 0-5 P-EBT at